1. Safety First, Loss Probability, and the Cross Section of Expected Stock Returns, with Marc Oliver Rieger and Lei Zhao, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2023, conditionally accepted.
2. Sign Matters: Stock-Movement-Based Trading Decisions of Individual Investors, with Stefan Muhl, Marc Oliver Rieger and Hung-Ling Chen, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2023, 148: 106739.
3. Should Your Bank Invest for You? Evidence from Private Banking Accounts, with Marcel Fischli and Marc Oliver Rieger, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2017,13: 1-8.
4. How does the Underlying Affect the Risk-Return Profiles of Structured Products?, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 2017, 31(1): 27-47.
5. Risk Classes for Structured Products: Mathematical Aspects and Their Implications on Behavioral Investors, with Marc Oliver Rieger, Annals of Finance, 2013, 9(2): 167-183.
1. 云南省基础研究计划面上项目“损失厌恶相关偏好对公司负债率和股票收益率的影响研究”,主持。
2. 云南省教育厅科学研究基金教师项目“基于前景理论的风险欠分散行为和资产价格研究”,主持。
3. 国家社会科学基金一般项目“数字化条件下居民金融可得性分化效应及其包容性改进研究”,参与。
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“城市群层级结构对经济绿色转型的影响:机制解析、效应评估与调控策略”,参与。